Well this year I almost didn't homeschool! I sent my kindergarten, third and fourth graders off to a brand new charter school in our area. But within one week I knew I had goofed on the kindergartener. Please refer back to my first post to know why I had goofed! I forgot why I had homeschooled the older boys and all the sudden I was struck with guilt knowing I wasn't giving my precious third born the same care and attention to his education that I had vowed to do for my older two boys...so in a quick gesture I pulled him out on day 5 of school after already annoying the teacher by picking him up at half day instead of leaving him all day. (we had a choice) It turned out, though, I was the only parent that had chosen half day out of two full classes of TK/K classes. Anyway, it was for the best and I felt so relieved when I did it!! Surprisingly Isaac was also very excited to be heading towards homeschooling and back to CHeP. We started school last week and the boys Isaac in kinder and Owen 3 (tot schooling) are loving their school time and they are enjoying their play time too. These two are getting to bond in a way they couldn't with their older brothers around. Isaac is getting to be the big brother for a change and getting some much needed responsibility and Owen is loving the attention he is getting from his roommate and closest in age bro! So we are back in the homeschool world with two boys in a public charter and two boys at home!
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