Friday, November 16, 2012

Open House, Art Festival

Last week we attended an Open House and Art Festival and Book Fair at the CHEP site! The boys had fun doing some Greek themed art projects and picking out a book with their own allowance Money from the book fair! The best part was that Dad got to attend. This was his first time at the site and he was also able to meet our awesome teacher, Brigette! The boys decided to split the bill on their book and got this one.

They are such boys!!

Kevin created this masterpiece which gained him accolades from the art teacher based on his pattern and color choices.

Adam did this platter!

Here he is hard at work!

There were students with Education Majors from Cal-State Fullerton there to help with all of the students and their art projects. We are excited because in the new year we have signed up to get assigned two of these students to do a six week course of study based on art and literature. They will be teaching our kids and two other boys all together (4). I think the boys will love the personal attention of teachers in training!

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